This is the most CRUCIAL & SIGNIFICANT moment in human history,

and you’re here to LIGHT THE WAY. To be brave enough to go FIRST,

to find the TRUE source of suffering WITHIN, so you can heal it & rise.

Creating a powerful HERD HEALING ripple effect that lifts humanity,

helping us not just survive, but EVOLVE & THRIVE.

earth divided in darkness


Our 3D world is divided.

Separation, conflict & judgment continue to fuel war, violence, hatred, corruption & greed, and abuse of power and authority.

Humanity is struggling, feeling lost, confused, and in pain. Suffering from deep fears of not having enough, and feeling restricted and oppressed. Trapped in scarcity, lack and limitation.

Blaming others for our lack of power, while simultaneously carrying deep guilt & shame in our energy and DNA for the pain we've caused others and ourselves over lifetimes. As we continue to project our self-judgment and inner fractures, pain & trauma, to create even more judgment, prejudice & division in the world outside. And the cycle continues…

At the root of all this is FEAR, the misunderstanding of who we TRULY ARE, and the Divine Power we don’t realise we have.

We fear we CAN’T HAVE IT ALL, that there’s not enough to go around, and that unless we dominate others and take what they have, we won’t survive. We DOUBT our Divine Power.

But we also fear HAVING IT ALL. We fear the responsibility of having wealth, power & influence, not trusting ourselves to use it wisely, based on human history, believing we’ll just recreate even more suffering in the world. So we REJECT our Divine Power.

Humanity is frozen, with the darkness closing in fast.

gold queen wearing crown


GILTY Soul, you’re here to LIGHT THE WAY.

To be of service and help humanity awaken to our Soul’s Truth & Divine Power. You came here to go FIRST.

To demonstrate that you can TRUST YOURSELF, your Divinity, and the inherent goodness of humans. Opening your heart with love, kindness & compassion, understanding the true source of this suffering, allowing DEEP HEALING to occur.

First, by being brave enough to dive deep into your shadows to transmute it to light. Taking FULL radical responsibility for what you’re seeing in the world, by healing and forgiving yourself for the darkness within. Accepting it as part of being human and the many lifetimes you & your ancestors have lived - both as the oppressor AND the oppressed.

Second, by being a LEADING EXAMPLE to others. To show them that it’s safe, possible, and they have permission to do the same. And that the reward for alchemising your pain to Divine Power is a life beyond our wildest dreams.

Where we get to create everything our Soul desires as DIVINE CREATORS of our own reality. With the Divine Power to co-create a new world of unconditional love, unity, freedom, abundance & joy for all, together.

GILTY Soul, the Divine Time is NOW.

To activate your Divine Power, catalyse a HERD HEALING ripple effect, and remind humanity of the Divine Light, Love & Power we each hold WITHIN.

woman with eyes closed holding gold ball


Being GILTY means that you’re a Lightworker AND a Shadow worker.

You’re not afraid to go to the deepest depths, to discover and heal what’s been holding yourself and humanity back in the shadows.

Boldly and intentionally shedding layer by layer to reveal more of your Soul’s Truth. Alchemising yourself into the most GILTY GOLD, badass version of you.

To embody unconditional love, uniting your Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies in peace, harmony & balance within. And becoming a CATALYST for healing the world from the inside out.

You’re committed to soul sovereignty, self-leadership & becoming the next-level embodied version of YOU. Investing time, money & energy in self-mastery, and sharing your knowledge, wisdom & experience to help others on the same path.

And you desire those DEEP soul connections where you just KNOW this isn't your first lifetime together.

Uniting with your soul tribe to help each other heal, rise & contribute to co-creating a new world TOGETHER. For ourselves and all of humanity.

woman sitting on red gold throne


GILTY Soul, this is the lifetime you get to HAVE IT ALL.

The relationships, business, health, wealth AND abundance you desire.

Experiencing flow, freedom & fulfilment EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Leading by example, with Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in BALANCE.

Creating your Soul’s desires in alignment with your SOUL’S TRUTH.

And radiating pure joy for being YOU, impacting the world with your energy and vibration.

Playing your UNIQUE part in co-creating a new world of unconditional love, unity, freedom, abundance & joy for all.

GILTY Soul, this is what we’ve been training lifetimes for, and NOW is the Divine Time we get to put our energy and intentions into action.

HOUSE OF GILT™ is home to the GILTY Soul Tribe of badass light leaders, healers, coaches, creatives, visionaries & entrepreneurs who are here to create their Soul’s desires, raise collective consciousness, and co-create a new world TOGETHER ⚡️

gold sun shining on crown


The word ‘GILT’ means GOLD - the colour of spirituality, alchemy & abundance.

In ancient times, Alchemists used to transmute base metals into gold. And now at HOUSE OF GILT™, we’re doing the same.

A metaphor for spiritual rebirth and self-actualisation, we’re transmuting our guilt to GILT. Alchemising the guilt, fear, pain & trauma for all the lifetimes of suffering we've caused each other and ourselves.

As well as transforming the guilt of desiring to HAVE IT ALL in this lifetime. Trusting that our Soul’s desires are sacred - and when we win, EVERYONE WINS.

Alchemising ourselves into the most GILTY GOLD, badass versions of ourselves. To create our Soul’s desires, raise collective consciousness, and co-create a new world together.

Knowing that when we stand united in our shared vision & values as the GILTY sovereign beings we are, fully OWNING our Soul’s Truth & Divine Power, there’ll be no limit to the ALMIGHTY impact we can make.

woman painted gold on black background


Then it's Divine Time to be the GILTY sovereign being you came here to be.

To stand in your Soul's Truth:




Creating your Soul's desires, showing others it's POSSIBLE and that they have PERMISSION to do the same.

Lighting the way by expressing your UNIQUE SOUL ESSENCE, leadership & gifts.

And playing your part in co-creating a NEW WORLD of unconditional love, unity, freedom, abundance & joy for all.

By activating your Divine Power WITHIN ⚡️


house of gilt founder lisa moore


GILTY Soul, we have the Divine Power to co-create a beautiful world beyond our WILDEST DREAMS. For ourselves and all of humanity.

If this mission resonates, then I invite you to join the GILTY mailing list by SIGNING UP BELOW.

You’ll receive the latest GILTY news, offers & events straight to your inbox, so we can continue to evolve and expand in partnership and collaboration, as we heal, rise & co-create a new world together.

And finally, thank you from the bottom of my GILTY Soul for being here.

I deeply love, appreciate & honour the unique spark of Divinity you are. And I’m so grateful and excited to be on this journey with you, once again.

So let’s heal, rise & co-create a new world TOGETHER ⚡️

With love & joy,

Lisa xx